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Foot Surgery

From head to toe Refine Surgical has you covered.  As the body ages a variety of issues with our feet can arise. These problems are often preventable which is why we offer a comprehensive podiatriac service led by experts in their field. 

We care deeply about foot health and have a dedicated specialist offering surgical and non-surgical solutions to many common and complex foot disorders

Specialist Experience

Problems related to the foot and its associated structures are managed by our specialist consultant podiatrist.

Our surgeon has over 30 years of experience within the NHS and private sector, working with professional football associations including Chelsea. Aside from specialist consultations for the diagnosis and management of complex foot disorders, minor procedures related to the foot and lower limb such as soft tissue lesions, verrucae, complex callouses and nail infections are all amenable to treatment at Refine Surgical.

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manicure pedicure

Conditions Treated

Most foot procedures can be carried out under local anaesthetic avoiding the nausea and drowsiness associated with general anaesthetic. Patients often ask whether this will be painful but modern local anaesthetic techniques block the pain sensation completely and it would not be possible to perform the surgery if this was not the case. 


Ingrown toenails occur when the nail penetrates the skin at the side of the nail plate. This causes a wound, or foreign body reaction that can become infected. In some instances this results in extra tissue forming. This tissue has a very good blood supply and can bleed easily.


A verruca is a viral infection of the superficial layer of skin, much the same as a wart. These can be of varying size and number and can occur anywhere on the foot. Classically, they are well defined and have little black dots which are blood vessels that have been pushed towards the surface.


Hammertoes occur when the smaller toes of the foot become bent and prominent. The four smaller toes of the foot are much like the same fingers in the hand. Normally, these bones and joints are straight. A hammertoe occurs when the toes become bent at the first joint, making the toe prominent.


A neuroma is an enlargement of a nerve and usually involves some thickening / scarring around the nerve. In the foot small nerves run between the bones in the ball of the foot to supply sensation to the toes. When these nerves become enlarged or inflammed the condition is termed Morton’s neuroma after the clinician who originally described the problem. 


In order for joints to move freely and without pain, the ends of the bones are covered in a softer material called cartilage and the lining of the joint capsule produces an oily substance / fluid called synovial fluid. In arthritis, the cartilage starts to crack and erode, resulting in bone rubbing on bone. As this is painful, extra bone is laid down at the edges of the joint to try and stop movement and pain symptoms. This is why arthritic joints are often enlarged. 


A bunion is the result of a deformity of the big toe. The long bone in the middle of the foot (metatarsal) becomes deviated towards the other foot, whilst the big toe (Hallux) pushes to towards the smaller toes. As a result the joint becomes prominent on the inside of the foot. This prominence is termed the bunion and it can often become inflamed if it rubs on shoes. 

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